Schaub Team Blog

Not Too Schauby…Schaub Team Donates Over $1,000 to Leelanau Christian Neighbors

Posted by Jamie Jewell on Feb 10 , 2025 - 12:20 pm

What’s in a name?  Well, what’s behind the tongue-n-cheek name “Not Tuna Schauby” from Lylah’s sandwich shop in Suttons Bay is a $1 donation to Leelanau Christian Neighbors, Blessings in a Backpack program for every tuna sandwich sold. 

The family-owned and operated deli offers a quaint storefront in the Hansen’s Plaza for tasty breakfast, house-made soups, fresh salads, and custom sandwiches, many with catchy and fun names.  Perhaps another trademark of Lylah’s is the jovial friendly staff that likes to get to know their customers and share a friendly jab and laugh here or there. 

When Broker/Owner became a frequent lunch supporter, ordering the famous homemade tuna sandwich with some regularity, the lively Lylah’s team tag-lined the sandwich “Not Tuna Schauby” in jest.  That gave Roger an idea.  Why not use this opportunity for some good that directly supports children who need assistance in our community? 

Since 2022, Schaub Team has donated $1 for every “Not Tuna Schauby” sandwich ordered in a calendar year at Lylah’s.  At the beginning of each year, the gals from Lylah’s share the total, and the Schaub Team proudly presents a check to Leelanau Christian Neighbors to benefit their Blessings in a Backpack program.  This year's donation totaled $1,091.  To date, Schaub Team has contributed $2,663 to the program.

Blessing in a Backpack provided 9,731 gabs for school children during the 2023/24 school year and 6,976 middle and high school students with snacks and hygiene products.  “Serving the food insecure young people of our county has been something close to our hearts since 2012”, shares Director Mary Stanton.  “Although we have had our food pantry distributing food in the county since 1987 to area families, not all children are recipients of the food pantry distribution.”  She continued, “We are so thankful to the community for supporting our programs!”

To learn more about Leelanau Christian Neighbors, their services, and donating or volunteering opportunities visit

To support Schaub Team’s initiative and enjoy the “Not Tuna Schauby” sandwich, visit Lylah’s in Suttons Bay Monday through Friday, 9am to 2pm.

